Friday, June 28, 2013

Hey everyone, hope you are having a great start to your summertime fun. I have been dealt a small setback since my last entry. On June 11th, I became sick while driving home from my computer class. I thought maybe I was dehydrated or my potassium dropped so I immediately got my Mom on the phone. I told her what was happening and that I felt ill. She told me to pull over as soon as possible, which I did at a nearby gas station. She, along with my brother came to get me but I apparently passed out momentarily. Next thing I knew the EMTs were pulling me out of my truck onto the stretcher..I was headed to the hospital. While there in the ER it was said that my calcium levels were critically low, and I was given some via IV. They decided to keep me to run tests and for observation. During the night on Wednesday, my blood pressure spiked and they called in a blood pressure medicine. On Thursday, my Sorors came to visit and my Dad was there also. I was told I would be discharged later in the day. While eating lunch I started to not feel well and stopped eating. My Mom soon arrived. After a while I began feeling worse so we paged the nurse. We waited a while, then paged her again. She soon came in the room and checked my BP, it was extremely high. She was about to go get the medicine I had taken the night before when I suffered a seizure. I remember awakening to the voice of my neurologist, I was in the Neuro ICU (I included a couple of pictures below). Not again I thought. The last time I had a seizure was February 15, 2011 when I had 6 within a 4 hour period. I stayed this time in the ICU for 3 days. I was released from the hospital on June 17th. I was placed back on seizure medication which makes me extremely drowsy and dizzy at times. Also, I am not allowed to drive for 6 months. Bummer ....there goes my summer. Oh well, maybe I will save money that way lol. I am just glad I am alive and didn't suffer any permanent damage I hope. Other than that, things had been going well. I am still waiting for "the call". I am looking at possibly going back to school via an online program. I am also going to start concentrating more on my photography. TTYL!!! #Lupus#KidneyDisease#Seizures#HighBloodPressure#Waiting#Encouraged#Fighting#Family#Love#Support#IamAConqueror#Blessed#Neuro