Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hey everyone, I'm back. I had a little setback this week..another hospital admission. But I am okay, just a drop in the blood pressure causing me to pass out. But anywho, back to my story. When I first realized I was at the hospital back in 2011, I was not fully awake. I remember the physicians trying to insert a PIC line into the side of my neck. I could hear their voices, telling me to try and stay still. For some reason I couldn't open my eyes. The next memory I had was of me waking up to my Mom, Dad, a few friends, and a co-worker at the end of my bed. I then realized I was in ICU, but didn't know why. Once I became more coherent, I remember having to have an NG tube placed to help with my nutrition levels. Yuckie...not a fun process. As the days went by it was removed and I was placed on a puree diet. Now for those that don't know exactly what that entails...well imagine eating nothing but baby food or applesauce for every meal. I soon transitioned back to regular foods. One morning in particular that I remember was my Dad at my bedside helping me eat breakfast. He then told me a few details as to what all happened. I was blown away, I thought I had been in the hospital for a few days. But it was longer than that. I don't remember much, but I do want to say "thank you" to everyone who stood by my family's side and never stopped praying for me. Although I don't remember seeing everyone, I know you all came to visit and it is greatly appreciated. I had to stay at the hospital for a few more weeks and then transferred to a rehabilitation hospital for additional occupational, physical, and speech therapies. I was now a patient. This gave me the opportunity to see what my patients go through on a daily basis. It gave me a whole new perspective to the world of speech therapy and the other rehab disciplines. I improved, and I believe I only spent maybe over a week there. Then came the big day...I was finally discharged to go home. I had been away from home for a total of 34 days. Wow...just imagine not being able to recall weeks at a time and then to have to be away from home that long. I was super excited to finally walk through the garage at our house. As soon as I came in the kitchen door, my baby Spanky, the daschaund, was there with his little waggly butt to greet me. Oh what a feeling....

Friday, September 21, 2012

My Story

Let me first start by introducing myself. My name is Nikki, I am 33 years old. I currently reside in Alabama. My story is one of heartaches, struggle, and determination. I have always faced health issues my entire life. I was diagnosed with the harshest version of lupus(SLE)in 1995 when I was 16 years old. I have almost died once from this disease. Lupus has a tendency to affect every organ in the body. As of right now there is no cure. I decided to start this blog in an effort to help others who have this disease or are also affected by end stage renal disease. I had been employed as a speech language pathologist since graduating in 2005, but have been off work since April 2011 due to not being able to return to work following a 34 day hospital and rehabilitation hospital stay back in February-March 2011. I was diagnosed with end stage renal disease (ESRD) in January 2011. My life was changed forever. I was placed on hemodialysis on January 18th, 2011. This process required having a catheter placed in my chest through a main artery which went straight to my heart. I then had to go to a dialysis clinic 3 times a week for 4 hours to have my blood cleaned of the toxins. I by far was the youngest person at my clinic, most people there were elderly patients. Can you imagine how I felt to have to have my whole life changed so drastically? This went on through February until around the 14th. I remember a little about that day. I remember my dad giving me a Valentine's Day card and a rose. Then I remember waking up weeks later at a local hospital in ICU with friends and family at my bedside. On my next entry I will explain exactly what happened.