Friday, September 21, 2012

My Story

Let me first start by introducing myself. My name is Nikki, I am 33 years old. I currently reside in Alabama. My story is one of heartaches, struggle, and determination. I have always faced health issues my entire life. I was diagnosed with the harshest version of lupus(SLE)in 1995 when I was 16 years old. I have almost died once from this disease. Lupus has a tendency to affect every organ in the body. As of right now there is no cure. I decided to start this blog in an effort to help others who have this disease or are also affected by end stage renal disease. I had been employed as a speech language pathologist since graduating in 2005, but have been off work since April 2011 due to not being able to return to work following a 34 day hospital and rehabilitation hospital stay back in February-March 2011. I was diagnosed with end stage renal disease (ESRD) in January 2011. My life was changed forever. I was placed on hemodialysis on January 18th, 2011. This process required having a catheter placed in my chest through a main artery which went straight to my heart. I then had to go to a dialysis clinic 3 times a week for 4 hours to have my blood cleaned of the toxins. I by far was the youngest person at my clinic, most people there were elderly patients. Can you imagine how I felt to have to have my whole life changed so drastically? This went on through February until around the 14th. I remember a little about that day. I remember my dad giving me a Valentine's Day card and a rose. Then I remember waking up weeks later at a local hospital in ICU with friends and family at my bedside. On my next entry I will explain exactly what happened.


  1. What strength it takes to share this with all the world! I've known and been around you since high school (off and on) and I have NEVER heard you complain and you have always been happy, loving, and peaceful spirited Nikki. I count it a blessing to know you. Although we don't speak often you are in my thoughts in prayers. I'm looking forward to reading more about your journey and how God has kept you through it all. It has been a blessing to me. Love you Nikki Bhones!!!

  2. Thank you so much. I thought maybe I could help someone else by telling my story. Anything to help someone improve their quality of life.
