Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy Sunday!!!

Hey family...I'm back. I have been away for while for various reasons, but I'm back!!!! Whew, where do I begin. Well first let me start by telling you whats been going on with me health wise. I am still in the process of waiting on a kidney. Right now, due to my Lupus still being active I can't have the transplant done even if a kidney became available for me. Yeah, that sucks. It is something I am having to come to terms with. My nephrologist (kidney Doc) is baffled as to why my Lupus will not burn out. He said in most cases of patients with lupus, who go into renal failure and need dialysis, their lupus usually burns itself out. Of course, I always have to be "that one that won't act right", LOL. Nothing has gone as it was suppose to with me. I told him he needs to right a book on me and we can share the profits. I have thought about writing a book about my experiences with lupus, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and dialysis. What do you guys and gals think? Would it be informative to you? I think it would be a great resource from a patient's point of view. I notice that there aren't many books about lupus out there. Hmmm..I might look into doing that.
But blood counts or Hematocrit levels continue to be low but stable. I have got to eat foods with more ingredients to help elevate my red blood cells and my albumin levels. In other words More Protein!! That is one problem with being on dialysis, I am not really hungry. Now that it is getting warmer (it was in the 80s today here) outside I don't eat as much. Any suggestions on protein filled foods that taste good?? I am responding well to my monthly lupus treatment; my Benlysta infusion. I don't have any aches and pains anymore, that's great!! With this being Lupus awareness month, I will be sharing some facts about Lupus until May 31st. And if there are any questions you would like to ask me please email me at I will try my best to answer them as accurately as possible. If you have any information you'd like me to discuss about my experience with lupus, kidney disease, and dialysis I would be glad to help keep you informed. Remember, this is coming from my own personal journey, and I am not a substitute for a physician's opinion.
I am still working my Mary Kay business. Please check out my own personal Mary Kay website at, for great gifts starting at as little as $10. Wow, good quality makeup for $10, that's unheard of but these colors are great. My goal in this is to make it to Director. It will take some hard work, recruiting and sharing this wonderful career opportunity with other women. Ladies, school is about to be out and I know some people will be looking for a job this summer. Please contact me for more information about this great opportunity. Mary Kay is Hiring!!!
Okay...this is a continuation from my post. This week I had a great day on Monday. People say you can't make any money by "selling makeup", well first I don't "sell makeup". I am a beauty consultant who helps women find their inner and outer beauty via skincare and cosmetics. I am so proud of myself, I sold $199.39 in product in less than 15 minutes. Some people don't make that in a day. I love my Mary Kay because I can work where and when I want to, the flexibility is great, I AM THE BOSS, I help enrich women's lives, I have the chance to win a career car, and go on great trips. Plus, Mary Kay is great at recognizing their consultants and their successes. When was the last time your job recognized you? I want other women to join me in this great opportunity. Email me at for more information about this great opportunity. Talk to you soon, and have a great week!!!!