Hi everybody...I am back. It's been a while since my last post. Wow, hard to believe it's almost November. Before you know it, it'll be Thanksgiving then Christmas. A lot has changed since we last talked. I have started a new venture into the world of Mary Kay. I was a beauty consultant once before, back during my undergrad years. But I was so busy with various activities that I didn't really focus on my business like I should have. Now, I am looking at things in a different light. I am doing this in order to become financially independent. I want to explore every avenue of the business and share this with all women. This is a great opportunity and I am glad to be able to pamper others, and educate them about their beauty and skin care needs. This is also a great way to share my testimony as to where I am and have been while dealing with major health issues. My Mary Kay business also forces me outside of my "comfort zones". Check out my Mary Kay website at www.marykay.com/nbhones, and see all the great products we have to offer.
Speaking of health issues, I am glad to say I haven't experienced in major one recently since June. I have had the occasional infection of the peritoneal cavity, but no hospitalizations. My numbers continue to remain relatively stable. The only issues are the decreased Potassium and calcium levels. If anyone has any suggestions on how to increase these let me know. Yes, I am eating bananas and drinking orange juice, but I need some new ideas. In two weeks I will be going to have my monthly labs drawn, so wish me luck.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Happy Independence Day!!!
Another week has gone by and what a week it has been. First, let me say "Happy Fourth of July" and "Happy 37th Anniversary", to my loving parents!! I love you guys, thank you for everything you do and have ever done for me. To say I wouldn't be here without the help and love of these 2 great people would be an understatement. Today, I hope while you are out barbecueing and watching the various firework displays with your family, please remember the many men and women of our Armed Forces who fight daily and have fought to keep our country free!!! Love you all!! Special shout-out to my family members who are and have been members of the military. Hope everyone enjoyed the day safely with the family.
Benlysta Tuesday!!!
Today was busy for me. Today was my regularly scheduled monthly visit to my rheumatologist and monthly Benlysta infusion treatment. First, let me tell you all some of what my rheumatologist does. He is one of my physicians whom I see regularly. He is a physician who diagnoses and treats rheumatic conditions such as Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and several others. Rheumatic conditions/diseases often affect internal organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and blood vessels. My symptoms range from pain and swelling of my joints, fatigue, skin sensitivity to prolonged sunlight exposure, anxiety, and sometimes depression. I have suffered from Lupus since 1995, when I was only 15 years old. Wow, imagine having that news given to you as a sophomore in high school. Just a little past info...but back to today. I saw my doctor as scheduled then proceeded down the hallway to the infusion suite. Imagine a room of about 9-10 recliners filled with patients, each hooked up to an IV receiving their prescribed medication. I must say, you can not find a more kind and caring group of nurses who continuously watch over me throughout the process. These group of ladies and gentleman, lol, know how to make me comfortable and relaxed. They also do a great job of making me laugh and making the experience as pleasant as possible. Wish I could name them, but I can't due to laws and regulations. But I will say "thank you for all you do to help me and others like me ". I sat down in my recliner, and my RN came over and first checked my arm for a good vein. Then came that lovely stick (OUCH!!!)but it didn't hurt lol. After my IV was placed I was off and running. The infusion process lasted approximately an hour and 15 minutes. Happy to report no adverse sidde effects. Until next time family.....
Friday, June 28, 2013
Hey everyone, hope you are having a great start to your summertime fun. I have been dealt a small setback since my last entry. On June 11th, I became sick while driving home from my computer class. I thought maybe I was dehydrated or my potassium dropped so I immediately got my Mom on the phone. I told her what was happening and that I felt ill. She told me to pull over as soon as possible, which I did at a nearby gas station. She, along with my brother came to get me but I apparently passed out momentarily. Next thing I knew the EMTs were pulling me out of my truck onto the stretcher..I was headed to the hospital. While there in the ER it was said that my calcium levels were critically low, and I was given some via IV. They decided to keep me to run tests and for observation. During the night on Wednesday, my blood pressure spiked and they called in a blood pressure medicine. On Thursday, my Sorors came to visit and my Dad was there also. I was told I would be discharged later in the day. While eating lunch I started to not feel well and stopped eating. My Mom soon arrived. After a while I began feeling worse so we paged the nurse. We waited a while, then paged her again. She soon came in the room and checked my BP, it was extremely high. She was about to go get the medicine I had taken the night before when I suffered a seizure. I remember awakening to the voice of my neurologist, I was in the Neuro ICU (I included a couple of pictures below). Not again I thought. The last time I had a seizure was February 15, 2011 when I had 6 within a 4 hour period. I stayed this time in the ICU for 3 days. I was released from the hospital on June 17th. I was placed back on seizure medication which makes me extremely drowsy and dizzy at times. Also, I am not allowed to drive for 6 months. Bummer ....there goes my summer. Oh well, maybe I will save money that way lol. I am just glad I am alive and didn't suffer any permanent damage I hope. Other than that, things had been going well. I am still waiting for "the call". I am looking at possibly going back to school via an online program. I am also going to start concentrating more on my photography. TTYL!!!
Friday, May 31, 2013
A new year, a new me!!!
Today, I am 34 years and 1 day old. Wow how time flies by. I have been bad about updating my blog, so here we go..Yesterday as I stated was my 34th birthday in which I celebrated it with my family, with a wonderful dinner at my favorite restaurant. I was happy to be feeling well enough to enjoy dinner. Here lately I have had more " not so good days" than good. My energy level has not been the best. I struggle with being able to make it through a whole day without wanting to take a nap. My rheumatologist has told me that I need to take a nap a day to re-energize myself (guess I need to try harder). I am happy to report that my calcium levels have increased, therefore decreasing those painful muscle cramps. My protein level has also increased. I have tried to become more active in the fight against kidney disease. I recently participated in the Alabama Kidney Foundation's walk-athon in Huntsville back in April. It was such a great experience seeing others going through the fight also. I would definitely love to thank the following people for their support: the Johnson family, Kim King, Alvin & Diane Bhones, Jimmy Singleterry, Bonita Crutcher, Mary Kelly, Val Jackson, and Tira Williams. Without there support I wouldn't have been able to complete the walk. I am in the process of coming up with ways to bring more awareness to high blood pressure, end stage renal disease, and lupus. There is a real need for increased education on these health conditions.

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