Tuesday, January 20, 2015

An Unexpected Setback

Hey everyone, hope your month has started off well. The first part of mine started off pretty normal, that is until my appointment last week to see my vascular doctor regarding my dialysis access in my left arm. I went to the appointment expecting to hear him say the access was ready for use, and the dialysis center staff could start using the needle to do my treatments. Well, that wasn't the case. They did an ultrasound of the arm, and after a while my doctor came in to talk to me and my mother. He proceeded to tell me my access had clotted off and was no longer functioning. Needless to say, my Mom and I were in a state of disbelief since they hadn't even used the access yet. He then told me, I would need to have surgery in 2 days to see if he could clear the clot and save my fistula (access). He told us that this was something that happens with most dialysis patients over time. This was not what I wanted to hear. If the clot couldn't be cleared he would insert a graft into my vein. I really had no choice but to have the surgery that Thursday morning. I prayed a lot between Tuesday and Thursday, hoping God would allow him to find a way to clear the clot and save my fistula access. Thursday morning came around quickly and I was a little scared, but I put everything in God's hands. We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 AM, and began surgery preparations. The nurse informed us that doctor was running behind in surgery and there were a couple of patients ahead of me. The anticipation and waiting was the worst part. Your mind has a chance to go through all the "what ifs". But once again I said I silent prayer and left it in God's hands. You see God is a doctor, a surgeon, and healer when you need him to be. I had nothing to fear...I knew I was in good hands. Finally, the nurse entered my room and said they were ready for me. I said goodbye to my parents and down the hall I went. Upon entering the surgical room, they placed me on the surgery table, and gave what the RN called the "I don't care medicine". They put on the oxygen, and I was out within seconds. When I awoke, I was in recovery and my nurse told me everything went well. My surgeon was able to remove the clot and save my fistula access!! He did have to place a Stent in my vein, because they were so small and causing the closure and decreased blood flow. I was thrilled but in a lot of pain. I was reunited with my parents after a short stay in recovery. I was then discharged home. I continue to give all praises to God for being with me throughout the surgery and making it possible for the clot to be removed. You see, when things seem impossible or you feel like you can't catch a break, God steps in right on time!! Thank you God for always keeping your loving arms around me!! There's nothing God can't do!!! Blessings to you all!!!

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